The End of a Show and the Beginning of a Challenge...
Hello everyone!
First off, I'd like to thank everyone who came to see my show at Concepts Art Studio, and an extra special thanks to those who made a purchase. If you don't already have plans to pick up your work, please contact either me or Kathy Swantee at
The Strength & Beauty of Magical Females
September will be gone before you know it and fall is quickly approaching. If you'd like to visit the show before it ends, I will be there from 11 am - 5 pm on Saturday, September 24th, and 1:30 pm - 4 pm on Sunday, September 25th.
Website & Shop Update I am still in the process of updating my site and shop on my website. At the moment I only have stickers up, but I do have magnets, prints, and originals that will get there eventually. My plan is to have at least the shop up and running before the end of October.
Inktober I am planning to do Inktober again this year. For those who are unaware, Inktober is a daily challenge in the month of October to make one drawing (in ink) a day. That's the basis really and many artists come together to work on a prompt given to them or one they make up on their own.
My plan is to create portraits with facial features or props (think glasses, hats, masks, emotions, etc...). I will be updating all these as soon as I am able to throughout my social media platforms.
If I am able to, I would like to live-stream some of these, so I'll probably try it out given that I have everything I need to set up. If I do go live (or plan to), I'll send a tweet out, so be on the lookout for more information. If you have made it this far, thank you so much for your patronage and support. Feel free to e-mail me any questions, ideas, or anything that's on your mind. I hope to see you at the show and if not, may the last days of September be blessed to you.
